There is a job opening at Premium Deluxe Motorsport. The owner Simeon Yetarian is searching for professional repossession agents. The agent is required to have an exemplary history in reclaiming and returning unpaid property to owners.
You can expect to receive assignments by the owner that you need to reclaim and return without violating any pertinent local laws or company policies. You receive payment upon completion on every successful assignment.
You can expect to receive assignments by the owner that you need to reclaim and return without violating any pertinent local laws or company policies. You receive payment upon completion on every successful assignment.
- Drag and drop all .dll's into your scripts folder.
- Drive to Premium Deluxe Motorsport (See the blip on the map).
- Press the context key to get a assignment.
- Reclaiming the vehicle.
- Return the vehicle to Premium Deluxe Motorsport.
- Receive your payment.
Files in directory:
- Over 15 different vehicles, 7 spawn locations, 9 different ped types with randomized variations.
- Markers are now used for the mission start and end positions.
- Vehicle prices should now be fixed, and will not surpass 200,000 dollars.
- Changed mission start position because of collision with Premium Deluxe Motorsport Car Dealer mod.
- All vehicles use hash codes and no longer use strings to avoid null reference errors.
- Trevor's Simeon blip is now orange instead of yellow.
- If the vehicle is submerged, the mission fails.
- Added specific texts for each main character.
- Fixed bugs making script crash.
- Fixed Saving/Loading issues.
- Changed Simeon text messages. (Added a bit more realism to it).
- Added more helper text when the game starts (It doesn't obscure or clutter the screen, it's just one little thing).
- Fixed mission subtitles from cluttering the brief log.
- Added new cars (total 18)
- Cleaned up the code just a bit (for performance reasons).
- Initial script
HennySmafter for Image Design
Alexander Blade for ScriptHookV
crosire for ScriptHookV[.NET]
Guad for NativeUI Library